We ask if being human is natural and if so, what is human (as opposed to being beasts). How can we as artists and photographers depict these ‘human’ traits in our work, and in stand-alone portraits? How do we portray morality, ethics, reasoning, feelings like love, hate, envy — all basic human traits creatively and effectively. Ultimately, we are emotion-led beings that react to influences from our tradition, environment, and nature.
The theme Human Nature was intentionally left ambiguous to allow for various interpretations — be it human nature or humans and nature. 5 judges met in June 2022, selecting these 34 finalists entries from a total of 671 portraits. Through 100% of the entry fees received, KLPA have raised USD$5,000 for the Ukrainian refugee cause and have donated these proceeds equally to Disaster Emergencies Committee and the United Nations Crisis Response. KLPA would like to thank every one who submitted their entries in 2022 for their generous support and response to the call.
We would also like to thank our judges for their expert opinions and time spent in the process.
Note: KLPA 2022 was first shown at GMBB from 16th Sep to 2nd Oct. This is a second showing @ temu house, which ideally gives more viewers the opportunity to enjoy humans & humanity from various perspectives.
temu house would like to thank Steven Lee, Director KLPA for extending the KLPA experience with us.
The exhibition runs from the 20th Nov 22' - 1st Jan 23', weekends at temu house.
Sat & Sun, 10am - 5pm